How to Install and Use Final Cut Pro X Templates
In Under 5 Minutes


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Step-By-Step Overview

Downloading Your Assets

This is the simplest part of the puzzle, once you're logged into you can download any of the assets by clicking the downward-facing arrow! On most computers, these files will start automatically saving into your "downloads" folder.

Installing on Mac Computers

To install the templates, you need to first locate the MOTION TEMPLATES folder, which can be found at this file path:

User > Movies > Motion Templates

If you do not see the "Motion Template" folder, you must create it. Hit CMD+SHIFT+N and label the new folder Motion Templates.localized You will notice that "localized" disappears after hitting enter.

Within that folder, you want to create 4 new folders, just like before hit CMD + SHIFT + N and create the following 4 folders:


If you do not type .localized this process will not work.


Understanding the Four Different Template Types

Final Cut Pro X categorizes all of its templates into 4 different types:
Effects, Transitions, Titles, Generators

Each type has their own unique file extension, which will determine how you instal it. The following extensions match up with the respective categories:

.moef = Effects

.motr = Transitions

.moti = Titles

.motn = Generators

Installing on Mac Computers

To install the templates, you need to first locate the MOTION TEMPLATES folder, which can be found at this file path:

User > Movies > Motion Templates

If you do not see the "Motion Template" folder, you must create it. Hit CMD+SHIFT+N and label the new folder Motion Templates.localized You will notice that "localized" disappears after hitting enter.

Within that folder, you want to create 4 new folders, just like before hit CMD + SHIFT + N and create the following 4 folders:


If you do not type .localized this process will not work.

From there, all you have to do is identify which template file you downloaded and drag the template folder that the individual file is in into the correct category folder!

For example, let's say you downloaded a template that has the extension .moti you would take the template folder and drag it into the Titles folder!

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